Rear passenger side shot before disassembly |

Rear drivers side shot before disassembly |
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Some additional trim removed, and exterior shell power washed clean |

Rear trim removed & crevis power washed cleaned from years of accumulated trapped dirt |

All exterior trim removed and pressure washed to clean underlying dirt |

rear picture of trimmings / interior removed after power washing |

Body work preperation begins with sanding down old paint |

Body work is minimal from being a rust free example |

Start of the removal of trim--note the sun faded original paint |

More trimming removed, roof before paint prep---again lots of sun fade |
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Interior is nearly 100% gutted down to shell prior to paint prep |

Another shot of stripped interior |

Door jamb crevis areas all defunked of leaves, dirt and old debris |

Cleaning areas that havent been cleaned in 20 years |

Primer after working over any imperfections |

Doors removed |